The Salty Dispatcher 🎃

Is anyone there?

Why am I here and why am I writing? I try to think I’m not under the assumption that anyone will want to read this. There’s so much content on the internet. So many blogs. So many social media options. SO many voices, most of which are much more intelligent and worthy than I. And that’s just the internet. Factor in hobbies, families, friends, jobs, and other obligations and there’s so many better options of ways to spend your time.

So I guess I need this to be for me. A place where I can be brutally honest with my inner thoughts and feelings. A place to be real and authentic without fear of backlash. A place to share interests and companionship in the desolate space that has become the internet.

On the other hand not having any readers makes me feel like this is pointless. But what do you, the reader, even want to read about? What is worthy of your valuable time? What hasn’t been done with a blog before?

Yet I remain hopeful. From what I’ve seen on here maybe blogging is coming back. I still remember how exciting blogging and sites like MySpace felt back in the 2000s despite being 13 years old. Some of the content here is reminiscent of that. Everything since then, Facebook and onwards, has felt more and more shallow each passing year. At this point there’s just too much. If you want to post a picture you use this app, if you want to share a quick thought, use this service, if you want to review books use this website. Maybe this is a good place with good people. A safe place to share thoughts and communicate.

If you read this far, I appreciate you. I just made a mastodon that you’re more than welcome to contact me on. See the Contact Me page.

I hope you have an awesome day.


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